Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak:
English, and unfortuantly only English!
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match (RDM) is a scenario where a player has killed another, without justifiable cause, E.G he has decided to open fire upon a crowd of players, killing several of them after simply spawning in.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
Example One: Player A (henceforth known as Ginger) has witnessed player B (henceforth known as Ben) sneak up to another player upon the server, trapping them within the house, whilst Ben thinks nobody is paying attention, he shouts "Kill on Sight! He's shooting at me!" And started open firing upon the victim, in which case Ginger then proceeds to shoot to kill Ben knowing that unknown player didn't do anything. (E.G First hand witness of a crime.)
Example Two: Ginger spawned in the round as a detective, and throughout the round he has picked up much DNA, He has however paired DNA from a murder victim towards Ben, Ginger can decide to call out KoS onto Ben alerting his team-mates to the traitor by shouting out "KoS Ben!" doing so in text-based chat to avoid miscommunication. Or Ginger can simply KoS (Killing on sight with justifiable evidence.)
Example Three: Ginger is sitting upon the top of the sniper tower, using his M24 rifle as always, zoomed in, he witnesses Ben place a C4 ( A T-Weapon he has yet to claim in chat, ) nearby the traitor tester, He can shoot now, and get his perfect american sniper headshot, Yet as he goes to do so, he also notices Ben is using a disguiser, ( KoS based on The use of T-Weapons. )
Bonus points for being a traitor, and convincing everyone to KoS everybody.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
Example One: Ginger Sees Ben within a gunfight, and without being there from the start, witnesses Ben come the victor of the fight, however without letting Ben Identify the body He open fires upon him, killing him, Sadly, Ben was an innocent, and the other player spraying at him, was a T. (Joining a gun fight without being there at the start, and disallowing the guy to identify the corpse. )
Example Two: Ginger is playing normally, however Ben found justifiable evidence to elevate his alert to Suspicious, In turn, Ben Calls KoS on Ben! ( Responding to a Suspicion with a KoS )
Example Three: Ben had just killed Ginger the previous round, and in turn, Ginger the very next round, runs up to Ben spraying into him and killing him on sight. ( Meta-game if you know the term, Previous round revenge if you don't. )
Why I should be chosen:
Is the hundred words a minimum or is it a maximum? I'l write one piece, and then another because I honestly don't know!
I came on the server, not too long ago admittedly, and have pumped quite a bit of hours into it, (with acceptable sick days!) I myself have become somewhat well-known within the active Zarp TTT community, where I've found that laughing and joking are aplenty, (although i'm a bit of a loud mouth!) it comes simply, that I've tried my best to help everyone, especially the moderators, I've known the rules, even before joining, and have actively sought to aid people in their disputes, to a point actually, that with two nights in a row in the previous week to joining this, Found myself in a position where there where no staff online, and mass RDMers, telling the server that I'l be calling out KoS's at the beginning of the round on RDMers, and listening to 'reports' On the first day; within a round of this, Nine Randomers turned to Five, Within two rounds, it turned to two, and within five, RDM'ing entirely stopped, (of course not KoS'ing the same people each round for a crime they committed three rounds ago. ) This is an example of how, i've actively saught to enforce the rules, even when I have no permission to do so ( I know, I'm a terrible person! )
As for myself? I'm actually a friendly, outgoing person as many will say, whom likes to have a laugh, and I'm happy to be a part of the server, more so because i'm alongside many great people,
As something to stand out however: My current warnings ( Three. ) is being dealt with in a private format alongside a possible future Report upon a moderator whom has has been caught abusing his powers, ( and no, this isn't one of those false accusations, this is being treated quite seriously by myself and a super-admin. )
But no, as a finisher, I feel.. The server needs more staff, whom have experience, whom has the knowledge, and the age to back it up, It also needs more staff within the late GMT Nights, where most-times it is either me and doglife dealing with alot of BS, (him handling reports, and me scolding people, and telling them not to do it again. ) or simply just me.
Loving y'all,
[Edited: whoops applied for a promotion without a job there.]