CrankyBot wrote:
dankek wrote:
CrankyBot wrote:
dankek wrote:
Akemi wrote:
dankek wrote:
Akemi wrote:
dankek wrote:
Akemi wrote:
"if you have any form of disease, you could do a particular group of people a favour and not visit a doctor"
This is the full quote, as seen in game.
Actually I did nothing near that,
As shown by the above you, in fact, DID do it.
I didn't tell him to commit such act nor encouraged it, I didn't even "discourage" him from living,
You do discourage him from living as telling him not to go to the doctor could be deadly depended on the disease.
as I said a particular group of people, meaning it's a minority.
False, it doens't have to mean the minority. It depends on the context.
You tried such slander in-game aswell and this doesn't even classify as a loophole,
because it has a whole different meaning than telling someone to commit suicide.
May be true, but in the end, the results could end up being the same.
You shouldn't have said it and if I could I would've accepted the report.
An official won't be required but you would need to be spoken to about your actions, as you do need to understand that saying even such a thing could negatively impact some players. You're a Moderator to make the player experience better, not tell players stuff that may lead to their deaths IRL. It's just a game, chill.
you're not qualified to make a verdict, only to support the claims, stop
I may not have the qualifications at this moment, but it doesn't change my (almost a year of) lead team experience. Great experience, you're slandering me; saying I explicitly told him something while I didn't.
Experience has nothing to do with common sense, read the full reply I wrote and you'll see why I'm supporting the demote request, besides that it's just the truth. It's not slander in any way.
Slander (the act of making) an untrue spoken, not written, statement about a person with the intention of damaging that person's reputation:
★ How are my statements, made based on the proof provided untrue?
★ The only one who damaged your reputation is yourself with that attitude* and your actions.
★ And seeing it's on the forum it's written, so "not written" is not true either...
So like I said, it's not slander.*
* = The attitude based on your appeal, and based on what other people say. Although what others say is not backed up by anything I'm taking it into account
* = I spend too much time on shit like this The simple asterisk you added proves why it's slander, you take other people's biased opinions (biased because like you said, they don't have proof ecks de) to form an unbiased verdict, which is logically incorrect and the exact opposite of common sense.
Also, I never explicitly told him to do anything, check the screenshot out yourself.
If something was slanderous then it would have involved the words of which a user would take personally due to an aspect of insult or the purpose to derogate one's experience within the game.
Akemi here has only given her opinion as she is an experienced Lead Team Member - whilst not currently one her experience still is valid for the reasoning behind her comments.
Now as for you,
Telling someone to not see a doctor because of their disease is practically saying "Wait slowly until you are dead" (or depending on the disease as Akemi said)... as a Moderator you should full and truly well know the Staff Ethos... If you have a personal agenda against a user - keep it to yourself because you are representing SSRP's moderator team and your words towards a user has made the representation look vile.
If what Akemi says deems her to be slanderous according to you - then you have been more slanderous towards a user.
If a user is disrespecting you (as you said the user was slandering you - then by all means show us the proof and the Staff can take care of it) but
never be disrespectful back towards the user - again linking back to the Ethos.
You should full and truly know what it's like to be a moderator having being told about the Staff Ethos (hopefully). Because if you wouldn't act like as you were in the screenshot in real life - what better representation do you have if you do it via a gaming community that welcomes users to play the server - not deter everyone away because you have higher access of authority/power.
I'd like a
demote than getting a
talk to or a warn for
Proof of slander:
Slander is the deterrence of someone and/or their reputation.
Alpha merely gave an example of your words - again never ever say that kind of shit.
This is not proof of slander towards you as this was only an example.
noun: slander
the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
"he is suing the TV company for slander"
a false and malicious spoken statement.
plural noun: slanders
"I've had just about all I can stomach of your slanders"
συνώνυμα: defamation, defamation of character, character assassination, misrepresentation of character, calumny, libel; Περισσότερα
scandalmongering, malicious gossip, muckraking, smear campaigning, disparagement, denigration, derogation, aspersions, vilification, traducement, obloquy, backbiting, scurrility;
lie, slur, smear, untruth, false accusation, false report, insult, slight;
"he'd sue me for slander if I made the accusation publicly"
αντώνυμα: acclamation, praise
verb: slander; 3rd person present: slanders; past tense: slandered; past participle: slandered; gerund or present participle: slandering
make false and damaging statements about (someone).
"you basically told me to kill myself"
I never said anything like that, and it's slanderous to say I did in-game because I didn't , this is resolved by posting on this forum a demote request. There is no point saying it in-game other than defamation.