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Report it to youtube and move on with your life It's outside of zarp staff cannot do anything even if they want to.
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luke_ wrote:
Report it to youtube and move on with your life It's outside of zarp staff cannot do anything even if they want to. I'm a level 8 Youtube hero. I'll handle this.big fan |
Ex Minecraft Server Owner
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Hello Elli,
I understand that him asking for points might make it seem like he almost did the exact same thing, but in the end he didn't actually do it. We can't punish people for rules they didn't break. We also can't punish people for things that happened outside the game. I'd recommend (for the both of you) to stay away from one another, if he's bothering you then quit talking to him. It's irritating but nothing else can be done. You have also not used the template, but bwcause this isn't a ZARP issue I'll deny this now.
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