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Hello Alex, I have spoken Sorle, B4nQk0k and Pitt.
Alright, So after watching this video many times I have came to a decision to deny this Report. Due to the fact that this issue within the server was a misunderstanding. From what I got back from Sorle was that he did in fact break raid timer, However, his gang member B4nQk0k was saying the raid was not owner, meaning that Sorle and Plankton went back to the base after their NLR timer. From what was said by B4nQk0k is that he attempted to get into the base however, When Pitt re-pasted he got suck in the props. After Speaking with Pitt who was on your side which was being raided, He has stated that B4nQk0k was not near the base at all. From what I have collected from this whole situation is that it was a misunderstanding and should not happen again. Also the video isn't enough evidence to provide to show that B4nQk0k was there or not. However, This should not happen again in my eyes in was a misunderstanding, Thanks for your Report. |
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