_Nemo wrote:
el une spodermun wrote:
_Nemo wrote:
Seriously dude, who made you admin. You broke the server rules (clearly on purpose) you cant solve a 'rule break' by breaking the rules yourself.
Did you even read the server rules when you first logged on to the server???
I will link you them if you need to read them over
use this template and a sa+ will handle it.
Staff Member(s) Name:
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
What server(s) was this on?:
Edit it in your post and dont make a new one
I agree this is very bad behavior for a staff member
I dont have his id but it is obviously him rip
what to do
Edit this on the frontpage of this thread
Copy the following and paste it in your main post
Staff Member(s) Name:
Asylum Seeking Colonial
Staff Member(s) SteamID:
What did the Staff Member(s) do?:
Rdmed me, poorly handled sit, straight warned without letting me explain
What server(s) was this on?:
Server 1