Mobile Task Force Gunner wrote:
Corruption wrote:
Nice story, but still does not erase what you've said.
I'll wait for a higher up to look at this, nothing more needs to be said.
Like I said, I dont Give a shit If It doesnt Erase what I said, Atleast I dont Report People for talking. Also Im gonna hold my mouth anymore like Its Preschool shit or something, If You're Acting like a Cunt Then Im gonna Treat you like a cunt. If you were nice about it I would Be Respectful To you, But In this case You were Treating me like a Piece of shit and Ignoring my words so You Really Think Im Gonna Be Respectful To you If you're acting like a Prick?
I asked why you shot me without arresting me, that must have triggered you because I don't recall me treating you like a "Piece of shit" There is a rule on this server, Do not disrespect, meaning even if I treated you like a "cunt" which I did not, that does not give you the right to call me autistic over and over.