Tigz wrote:I cant build during a raid, they made it a prop block as they blew it up, Plus Luke you don't know half of it so please don't make these commentts
Firstly, if you can't build during a raid so why did you sort out your keypads? Though this is competently irrelevant as Kpro had told you that you had been greifed not raided so the building whilst raiding rule does not apply.
Tigz wrote:My part of the story, We was basing, Kpro heard Milkor shots and then he said he would go and check so he did and he goes "we just got greifed" so like where you blow up the base for fun so I done the keypad inside and the we was prop blocked inside so I no clipped out
Secondly I have not insinuated or assumed anything of the situation or made any false accusations; my comment was only 69 words long, where I respond to people quotes:
i said:
RedPower had already explained this in his post:
RedPower had already explained this:
He later referenced it in the video.
Despite his explanation according to chinchin he had already tried to tell you.
To which you respond:
You should probably take the time to respond to this; especially when there are others that can attend to your base.
Why did you sort out the keypads and not the propblock?
So I don't understand why I shouldn't make comments like this; any post made on these forums is up for discussion by anyone, especially seeing as I haven't, as I said,assumed, implied or made accusations.
Tigz wrote:I did not no clip to kill you, I saw you Milkoring from a window so I went round the back and shot you, I did not know Kpro was there!
Why did you shoot him in the first place, if he was doing something you thought was against the rules why not talk to him, give him a warning and continue with RP? Shooting him is highly unprofessional and unnecessary.
Tigz wrote:EDIT:: Plus you also broke the 30min rule of raiding.
The raiding rule as been reduced to 10 minutes.
Tigz wrote:You do not blow up our base and then wait 90seconds and then get your miners/drug dealers to try and raid us (they just came at the point I killed you).
Getting people to help you raid isn't against the rules either.
HGX wrote:I am sure that they were doing the right thing because im pretty sure its FailRaid if you're not raiding as soon as the bullets where fired.
You Raid Instantly Not Wait, My Previous Comment Still Stands.
Nothing in the rules state that you have to raid 'as soon as bullets are fired.'