Hello Sinz, Speeds, Bunnyslippers69 and other interested parties.
Like last time, I will go through the evidence one at a time with regards to what the users are accused of. Do note that I appreciate the somewhat better quality of evidence this time around.
Speeds and Bunnyslippers69 are accused of continuous harassment and mass ARDM, disrupting Sinz’ gameplay. Let’s get to it.
*Drum Roll*
- Evidence #1, Medal.tv -
The first piece of evidence you submitted was a Medal.tv clip of you supposedly trying to mind your own business while getting shot from afar by an unknown perpetrator(s). It is later in the clip we see that it is in fact the defendants, Speeds and Bunnyslippers69 messing with you, following you and shooting you, getting you to low HP presumably in order to try and get a rise out of you.
As per SSRP server rules regarding RDM:
2.2 Random Death Match - In order to kill or harm another player you require a valid role-play reason to do so. [...]
They are in the wrong here. We do not know what happened before this went down, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you did not intentionally provoke this in any way as we can see you being low HP in the beginning of the clip and that you have submitted relevant chat logs (Evidence #2) where you, in the first half, complain about getting ARDM’d before the incident of the clip occurs.
- Evidence #2, Chat Logs -
I can’t be bothered to transcript the chat logs, but looking at the first half of Evidence #2, we can see part of the event that transpired documented in Evidence #1.
Further down the chat log rabbit hole, we see Sinz getting accused by Speeds of trying to trick a new player into buying an item for more than it's worth. No idea who this “new player” is, as it is not shown in evidence that Sinz is trying to persuade a player into buying a potentially overpriced item. It might be the case that our plaintiff Sinz feels unjustly accused of tricking new players for personal gain, but at the end of the day, it is just one man's (Speeds) opinion and I
personally don’t believe his rambling in OOC is a big issue in and of itself. It might not be comments made in a particularly positive or constructive light, but I don’t see it breaching TOU by itself.
- Evidence #3 and #4, Chat Logs -
These chat logs are a bit messy to go through, as it is not entirely clear what the situation is about but perhaps a follow-up on Sinz “trying to trick new players”. I would have wanted more context regarding this situation, or at least an explanation of what is happening, but the gist seems to be that Sinz feels irritated by Speeds’ and Bunnyslippers69’ accusations of trying to trick new players as seen by their adverts. Once again, in and of itself, I don’t believe this breaches TOU.
- Evidence #5, Chat Logs -
These chat logs provide nothing really except for Speeds trolling Sinz to the best of his abilities. Even if Speeds initials are in fact B.P, using “bp” as a substitute for blueprint is very common practice. I won’t spend more time in these chat logs as this is just OOC trolling.
- Evidence #6, Medal.tv -
This clip is just another case of arguing over the smallest things in OOC, and I don’t think it should be in this report. In the clip, you even asked Jazzie to mute Speeds, which he rightfully didn’t do, as he hadn’t done anything wrong except arguing with you.
(It is regarded as a 3 day ban for some people though)
- Comments -
This report had better evidence than before and I can tell you have put a lot of time into it, so let’s review.
I actually agree with you regarding the events that transpired documented in #1 and #2. It’s obvious you didn’t enjoy getting shot, and therefore I think Speeds and Bunnyslippers69 were in the wrong and were intentionally trying to disrupt your gameplay by shooting you. What I am a bit more torn over is the harassment part. It is clear as day that these past weeks people have been trying to get a rise out of you because you are notoriously hasty to clap back with “see you on the forums” and make a big issue out of the pettiest things. I think you have noticed it too, due to all your posts getting a lot of backlash, even from administrators and higher. It’s gotten to the point where almost no-one wants to help you because of the ridiculousness of it all, in-game or on the forums.
I’ll be clear, I don’t think the things said in OOC from evidence #3 -> #6 counts as harassment, but I don’t think they are helpful to anyone either. Your issue is confusing getting irritated with getting harassed, and it is an endless loop you won’t get out of unless you completely shut it out. We will of course help you when things disrupting your gameplay happens, such as getting RDM’d, RDA’d, etc. But frankly put, these situations are easy to avoid by ignoring it, and you are continuously fueling the drama yourself by continuing to interact with the people you claim to get irritated by.
I'm not telling you not to defend yourself when you feel harassed, just know that when you entertain it, you let them know it gets to you. If you feel the need to report someone, don’t tell the whole server that in OOC, because that will just egg them on to continue.
- Verdict -
To me, it’s clear Speeds and Bunnyslippers69 are trying to get a rise out of you. So I will warn them both for ARDM as that is the most clear rule-break of this whole situation. Nothing about what has been said in OOC by any parties has been constructive, so I will not do anything about that.
Sinz, please read my comments above and try to take it to heart. And if anyone has questions or is critical of this decision, please let me know.
#Lock Please!