Carson wrote:
Sp00ns wrote:
jack bushross wrote:
Sp00ns wrote:
Doesn't seem like it was done on purpose since he was shooting with the normal fire rate.
this bug has been known for months and no one has cared enough to fix it you can see he didn't mean / notice it happened and i don't think he should be punished for it.
edit: you can see in the clip he tries to pull out a mini 2 in order to shoot the jet suits due to the fact that dark matter is bugged it doesn't pull out the mini 2 but rather bugs out the dark matter gun
Smol dong's fire rate
Normal fire rate
although his fire rate might have been faster.
like i said i can see both perspectives, but i think that he was trying to pull out a minigun 2.0 in order to shoot the jet suit that got pushed away by the dark matter shot and instead the dark matter glitched out since it has been buggy since it has came out a few months ago. i don't think he should be punished for his actions although if he did pay attention he could've stopped shooting he might have not paid attention.
It takes timing to get the ammo and firerate, I was trying it out today and it took me multiple tries. This wasn't just a coincidence and if he was trying to pull out a mini2 why didnt he switch back? he had a last weapon bind you can also see him use that in the video? You are contradicting yourself due to him able to use both his mini2 he had equipped from him exploiting the dark matter gun or the gluon he had out when he tried to gluon me in the beginning.
If u go back and watch the clip u can see when he shoots the first jet suit that pushed in the district, the jet suit got pushed back to elevator you can see smol pulling out a minigun 2.0 right as it was reloading the shot to try and shoot the guy.
the minigun did not pull out and then u can see the dark matter has glitched (its rng it could happen in any situation) the second he tried to pull out the minigun 2.0 you can see yourself gluon pushing him which makes him completely forget he has a minigun 2.0 because he did not holster it and instead he just focuses on shooting you with the dark matter while waiting a few seconds between each shot. now if he were to "exploit" he couldve spammed shots at you and ripped you way faster by reviewing the clip with no context to what really happened since i have not been there it does look it wasnt done on purpose.
he goes to minigun 2.0 this jet suit that has been pushed away
thats u pushing him a second later while he tried to pull out the minigun 2.0 and the "exploit" has happened which makes him focus u instead.
edit: at the end you can see him shooting kato faster than usual which makes him de equip the suit at alot of hp and armor left.
which could of made him realize that the dark matter was infact bugged and he just stopped fighting