Xuecs Payne wrote:
MageJamy wrote:
TimeForPug wrote:
Orang3 wrote:
Well, I had a speak with Austrian... He has told me that he's going through a lot of shit lately so that's his reason for doing what he did... I'd suggest one of the lead team members actually trying to contact him to ask what's the problem...
I can clearly see that he's sorry due to the messages that he's been sending me on steam... I've also gone through shit before myself, yes and I've had help from multiple staff members before it got out of hand. This has been going on for a while though...
Problems at home? I smell bullshit, kids prob gonna fake autism or something now.
I don't know why you think that as soon as someone says something they are instantly attention seeking if he was go would of just posted and attention seeker that way
You know best
I just think before cm banning someone they should at least talk to them and see what caused them for all we know they could be having really bad issues at home and instead if helping we are just shutting them out