As clearly seen you haven't even opened the door when I propblocked it so why would it matter to you! all you had to do is crouch under it so you are slandering me for propblocking
I let you get a little remind then of the rule 4.4 pls
4.4 Obstacles - Player built obstacles that impede player movement are not allowed. This includes obstacles that slow the player, force the player
to crouch or force the player to jump. Players should not be forced to traverse over world props or difficult to traverse areas of the world they would not otherwise need to pass. This includes but isn't exclusive to forcing a player to jump or crouch between or through parts of the world or other strange places. No mazes may be built, players should only be presented with one way to navigate prop defenses.
the RDM was a clear misunderstanding me and freebandz has been on nuclear scientist for 2 hours and I mistaken him for freebandz it was all a missclick
This argument does not justify anything about the fact that you killed me for nothing.
the RDA is so obvious you pulled out a mastersword that is considered a weapon that does damage and can cause arson with the R ability which causes a fire ring
I only used it to move around and therefore no element in the design of the "mastersword" was used to hurt or kill anyone in the clip that I was able to record at the moment