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My favorite song by far
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I like so many types of music, but this song has to take my #1 spot... A story about Dean Emit (an anagram of 'Dementia') suffering with memory disorders and split personality disorder in an insane asylum, from 2 different accounts... Very weird the first few times you listen to it, and if you wanna know what it actually means then open the spoiler.
If you don't get the song: Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ][ Click to hide ] Basically Dean Emit was a staff member of an insane asylum, who tortured and tested shock treatment on patients unnecessarily, going insane. He is then caught doing it and placed in an insane asylum himself, but then suffers with dementia and believes that other people are torturing inmates at his asylum and that he is an innocent victim, when he is actually recounting memories of HIM doing it to people. You see all of this from the second perspective. One day he freaks out and breaks a window, which he then proceeds to cut his wrists with one of the shards, killing himself. From his own viewpoint he escapes the prison, but at the end it becomes obvious that he committed suicide. ("Next thing I knew a doctor pushed me straight through a window!") VS ("When asked 'are you scared of the past?' he jumped up by the window, put his chair through the glass") |
Last Edit: 7 years 4 months ago by Starman.
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