Tell me about yourself Zarp Kommunity
7 years 6 months ago #649365
So I have dexided I would like to get to know all of you here in the Zarp Kommunity. I have made tons of new friends so far, but I'd love to meet more people! So I have dexided to make a thread and get to know everyone I kan. Have a great day and be well!
Tell me about yourself Zarp Kommunity
7 years 6 months ago #649395
Hello, I am a random dude, a person who used to play a lot here on zarp.
Mostly on deathrun but ssrp was super fun too.
I had staffranks on both of those gamemodes and on the forums and teamspeak too.
I always tried my best to help people too whenever I could, so if you need help with something you are welcome to contact me on steam, but expect a couple days between me being online, a better way would be to create a post for me on the forums since I still lurk around the forums almost daily.
I resigned because my life takes up too much time atm.
Have fun.
Tell me about yourself Zarp Kommunity
7 years 6 months ago #649398
I'm a moderator at our darkrp servers
and I foking hate ads, like I watch a movie and when it's the good part in the movie, ADSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS