lMichaell wrote:
Alexzander wrote:
Me,want,bro Ali, xxmaster, ezy knew him very well we were all one big group the original l4gy days when we'd stay up all night basing to get the gang updrades, he's now been made officer, just before this all happened he asked if he could join l4gy again thank god I added him now he remains with us where he belongs
I was in l4gy too bud.
yes but Dennis(quatroking) , Alex, ezy, want and xxmaster were the people to start up the gang. I still remember when i was new and they helped get settled in to zarp, they all where the first people i befriended on zarp and tought me everything i needed to know. Made my first millions staying up all night basing with them. I still remeber one time when it was around 04:00 in the morning and we spawned in a ball prop and started playing football with pythons in the base.
Dennis was always able to cheer people up and he helped me out a lot, im really going to miss him.
Im really depressed right now