ChummyXRay wrote:
People talking about staff getting away with constant reports on them when they forget users get a warn system as well. I'm privy to what punishment Emmitt received and that is has affected him. Just because you are not informed of a private discussion between staff does not mean there is no oversight. Sure, it is upsetting not being allowed to know and I can see why it appears that the reports aren't taken seriously, but they are.
Just because players are staff, especially mod, does not mean they have an absolute grasp and understanding of all rules. If everyone that got staff was an instant master of all things considered rules and could be guaranteed to enforce them, we'd have no need to bother with a apply/promotion system. Everyone makes mistakes, some more than others, but that is how Zarp works, you get more chances than most communities. I would assume multiple chances for repeated and severe rule breaks would resonate with someone here, but apparently not.
Lastly, nothing in the rules specifies what ammo exploit is. You can argue all you want that staff should know what it is, but that isn't how it works. The rules should clearly define what are deemed exploits, but rather it broadly declares exploiting isn't allowed.
As someone who was spoken to back when if you abused you'd just get an official warning, I remember the conversation ending all the time as "Don't do it again", everyone knows this is how conversations about reported abuses go, nobody is stupid.