lZl Pika wrote:
I'm gonna leave Zarp.
Why?: I'm A Little Sad because I got demoted from Admin.
And I'm scared to do it again. So you know what happened.
I'm also getting bullied by you I might come back but I might not.
I hope You understand.
I also have some things to do at school which will determine what middle/high school I can enter.
Plz, Give me some good support for my test.
I might get back when I want to.
Okay, let's go over this for a moment...
You have no right to be sad about your demotion as you abused AGAIN and simply can't act like a staff member
Are you scared of doing it again?
Then do it once more and show YOURSELF that you can do it WITHOUT abusing!
Are you getting bullied?
People try to give you valid criticism and you take that as bullying while the point behind criticism is showing
YOU WHAT IS WRONG SO YOU CAN IMPROVE IT, and you completely leave out the
As for when you come back...
PLEASE, for the love of god finish elementary school (basis school) before you come back and be more mature than you are now.