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Fantasy wrote:
i thought you said you weren't going to reply anymore xd Stop getting cocky, I had to as I was being asked a question... If you learn to read then you'd know but maybe you haven't passed 1 exam yet bro. |
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someone lock this topic pls. i dont want to cause drama and stop hating on orange. ye it wasnt right but it doesnt need this hate
Last Edit: 7 years 8 months ago by bunnyslippers69.
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Orang3 wrote:
Fantasy wrote: woah woah, chill your tits, im just joking xd i thought you said you weren't going to reply anymore xd Stop getting cocky, I had to as I was being asked a question... If you learn to read then you'd know but maybe you haven't passed 1 exam yet bro. |
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Fantasy wrote:
Orang3 wrote:
I tHouGHt yUo SAid YuO WErnT gOIng tO REplY AnYMoRE xd AlphaLyle wrote: i thought you said you weren't going to reply anymore xdWhat about "watching that video made me feel sick" If you actually listened to what I said then you'd understand why it made me feel sick... Don't pull things out of context to make it seem like I meant something different... I said that because of the way he lost it that I was going to refund him if I could, as it also affects my "money" (That I don't give 2 fucks about, I care more about this community than what you think that I care about most). Which is why I was going to refund him but why should I when all everyone cares about is me apparently "abusing", end this seriously I understand about people saying that I shouldn't of ungodded him but he shouldn't of killed someone in a sit. We both fucked up so just end it? I will be refunding him with items I have so whoever wants to carry this shit on go ahead, it just shows how much you care. |
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No idea Why this wasn't locked yet. Anyways Orange that was a Dick move for nothing? What happend to fucking report players to the lead team? You guys are on eachother asses for No reason but only causing drama like this bullshit. Cut the crap and do your job like you suposed to or reasign..simple right?
Locked due to drama for nothing |
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