Mytic X Toxic wrote:
Clarky wrote:
Mytic X Toxic wrote:
Clarky wrote:
Mytic X Toxic wrote:
lMichaell wrote:
Mytic X Toxic wrote:
Jordz wrote:
Nah I'm sorry but this is now your 8th apology thread so these words mean nothing to me as we all know that you mean nothing of it and so instead of just putting words after words actually show action, just like para said where is the part that you're sorry about targeting people as well as threating them too, so here's to another apologise thread.
I know it means nothing to you.
But para wanted me to make a 500 word apology lmao
Not that difficult, and it might of actually showed that you were starting to change.
What by making a fake apology?
So this apology is fake? gg stay banned
Of course it is.
Para wants me to make a false apology so i fuffiled his asks
Obviously i'm sorry for some things but i'm not going to be forced to make a apology to be unbanned from a server lmao
Then don't make a fucking apology thread? You was never forced to apologies but you should of done so, so this isn't even an apology because it's so fucking fake, more faker than a fucking Kardashian. So why don't you piss off with your lies and fake ass apologizes to go play somewhere else because you are not welcome by literally anyone here you toxic silly child.
Lol fuck off. Para said if i wanted to be unbanned i had to make an apology and have 1-2 months of activity on a server i have no intrest in and not get warned
Making fake apologies get you absolutely nowhere to begin with, that's something to learn from. You lied in your cm ban appeal and now lying in your 292047th apology thread once again. Rename yourself to Liar X Toxic because it will fit your name so well along with Toxic. Also telling me to fuck off will also get you nowhere, only displaying the disgusting attitude you always present no matter what. Like Ace said, this is now locked and you should reconsider what you are doing because you are not even remotely close to being unbanned any time sooner, try be more honest next time and if that's too much for you, don't even try.