FTPxPlague wrote:
weed, Best thing i've ever tried in my life, few days ago marked 2 years since i started smoking weed and ive loved it in every form (smoking it & eating it), best thing is, you cant get addicted to it so when im low on money i can just take a tolerance break and get high as fuck the next time i smoke.
Ecstasy not so great, first 3 hours were amazing, i could feel the energy come into my body, starting from my toes and going all the way up to my brain like a wave, and during each wave i would use all that energy, be exhaused for 2 minutes and then feel another wave on energy, but after 3 hours awful depression hit me and i felt like actually killing myself.
Coke idk, only tried it once, made my nose and throat go numb, had massive drip going down my throat for half an hour and just talked non stop.
Top 5 list (personally)
Weed mixed with Speed
ADHD prescription pills
SSRi (antidepressant)
Well you can, you can get addicted to basically everything as long as it has a positive effect on you, as your brain will create dopamine as a reward system, which makes you feel good, you can get addicted to the dopamine that your brain creates.