So recently, I have seen that a lot of staff members and users have been incredibly demoralised. Loads of people have been driven to the point of resigning, or just feeling like they can't go on any more and wanting to give up. I have spoken over Steam with a couple of individuals many times about things like this, when they have felt so bad that they didn't think that they could manage to go any further, and wanted to trash all the work they had done so far and give up. I wanted to put this message out into the community in order to help people, and to show people that they need to keep going if they want to achieve anything, and if they do keep going, then they will always manage to find a way, they just have to make choices and keep going, so here we go I guess!
When you are faced with hatred, when you are faced with people trying to pull you down, and people telling you that you aren't good enough; people who want you to lose your energy, lose your drive and make you fall down from wherever you are, to make you come crashing down into nothing more than a shell of anger, hatred and despair, or when you are faced with issues in life that seem relentless in making you suffer. When these people / things succeed in what they are doing, and you don't think that you are worth anything, when you feel that you have nothing left and that everything you have worked for was completely useless, and you want to throw it away. When this happens, you are faced with options. There are many ways that you can take forwards, and each possibility for you to choose will determine how you end up in the future, and where you end up from there. You have the first option, the one which will feel the most appealing at first glance, and the one which many people end up taking, which is to give up. To give up is to let them win, it is to lose the fight, to back down and to let whatever took you down reign victorious. It is to let yourself be beaten, and it is to waste all the efforts you have poured in up to that point. When you take the option to give up, you are taking everything that you have done in the past, all of your past energies and strengths, and all of the great things you have done, and you are accepting that all of that is worthless, you are accepting that you, and everything you have done, holds no value, and that it was not worth your time. Your next option is the option to sit by calmly and just let it pass you by, going on with your daily life. To some people, this option would be the best choice, and it is the easiest in some ways. If you are able to take heavy weight in your mind and not be affected, and if you are not the type of person to be easily crushed or lose hope, then you can very easily take this option. When you are faced with an issue, taking it calmly is to some the easiest, but to those with no experience, it is the hardest, and it is the option that you need to (in most cases) take other options first before you are ready to take it, and before you can take it without it crushing you. This option is an option that many people also take when they are not ready to, or able to, they take it on, throwing out a calm outlook, not letting it seem to harm them, but then in starts to build up and push them down into the first option of giving up, when they eventually can't take it any more. The option that you should begin by taking is similar, and the eventual outcome is the greatest. That option is to fight. You do not just sit back and relax, and you do not just turn away from it and let it pass you by, you get up and you do something about it. Whether the something you do about it be talk to someone, or just keep on pushing through day after day, pushing through and seeing a little ray of hope at the end of it all. With this option, you will eventually make it, no matter what, because pushing forward will always bring you to an end eventually. Everything has an ending, and if you can just push through, and make it, you can find that ending, or even craft the ending yourself to be exactly how you want it to be. At first, this will be hard, you will try to push through everything and just find yourself falling back again, you won't know what to do, and you will constantly go back to feeling how you did originally. When you end up falling down again, just take the same option and push through. Every time you go through it, it will become easier. You will know what to do to get where you were before, and when you make it there, you can find a way through, and you can keep going further to reach your goals. When you do this, it is fine to rely on other people. You never have to go through anything alone, and even if you think there is nobody there for you, nobody who will listen or nobody you can trust, there is still yourself. You can always rely on yourself, because if you don't abandon yourself, you find a way through, and you make it out into a new light, where people are waiting for you, and you can continue to move upwards, out of the darkness and into the light. When you feel you have nothing, take a step back from everything, and look at everything. Take a look back into your past and look at what you have done, let yourself gather into the fact that what you think, the fact that you have nothing, is complete bullshit. You have something, you have life, you have hope, and you have a future. You can use the life you have, and you can form it however you want.
If you are ever struggling to find a reason to keep going, or a reason to live, look over your life and think about why you have been going so far. What has motivated you and what has got you through everything that came in your way so far. Take that, pull it into your heart and live by it. If you still have nothing to keep you going, then remember that there are so many people out there in the world with goals and dreams, so many people who have strong reasons to live. Use your life to help them. You have the ability to help so many people. You have to live in this world, and if no matter what you do, everything turns out the same, then be with those who help people, and give your life a true meaning. When you attach value and meaning to life, everything is easier, without that value, and without a meaning you can easily throw it away.
Whenever you make a mistake, please remember that we all make mistakes. Anyone who judges you solely based on that mistake is someone you need to disregard and stay away from. The way that anyone should be judged from a mistake is dependant on how they go through afterwards. A mistake is something that can be done in the span of a minute, or even just over the span of a couple of seconds, what takes time is to rebuild yourself after that mistake, to accept that it happened, accept that it was a mistake, and to push through in order to make it out, rebuild yourself to what you were before, and to exceed that to reach your goals.
Remember that all anyone can give you is options like these, you can never rely on anyone other than yourself to get you through everything fully, and it is up to you to choose the options and take them, others can guide and help you, but you won't make it just relying on others, you have to trust and believe in the people around you, but you can't expect everything from them, and you have to work with them in order to push through and make it.
Life is hard, and life changes, life is full of choices and struggles. Life is confusing and life is something that we will never be able to fully understand. All we are able to do is make sense of the situations put in front of us and make our way through. Remember that you will always be faced with victories and losses, you need to remember every victory, just as you remember your losses, determine your strengths, fears and weaknesses, and accept them, build on them, and only then can you hope to succeed in everything.
If you ever have any issues at all, please feel free to
add me on steam and I will happily talk to you about anything you feel comfortable with sharing. I will end this off with two quotes:
"The beginning is always the hardest, so keep on going with me until the very end."
"Save the tears for when we WIN!"