Annie Montana wrote:
Guys this is getting out of hand and I know Pika is young but that isn't a reason to be mean to him. I don't see much people being nice to him however just because he abused or anything like that doesn't mean you can bully him for it. Everytime I see Pika somebody is always there who hates him and that has to stop.
Pika ignore the ones that are mean to you and don't let them drag you down from what you want and believe me when I say this, people who are mean to you can make you depressed and maybe even terrified of some people.
Welcome to the internet. People most likely dont bully him because he's young, but because of the down right idiotic posts he makes and his god awful grammar. Im not saying this to "bully" him, im being completely serious here, i've seen fucking six year olds spell better than him and their native language isnt even english. Im very sure if id make an alt, stary posting crap like that and spelling every word incorrectly, i'd get hated o as well, even if i claimed im a fucking 27 year old millionaire doctor who's saved thousands of lives and im sending 500,000 dollars worth of supplies to african children every month.
if i get banned its a false ban because as clarky said, being honest and giving constructive criticisms is allowed.