el une spodermun wrote:
Grumpex wrote:
Darth Vayder wrote:
So a terrorist just drove into the center of Stockholm and killed 3 people and 1 dog. They are still looking for the man.. I was there 1 week ago at the location where the druck drove in. Im lucky and praying for others..
These terrors are getting out of hand and as a muslim really pissedof how some people think there now not all of them are muslims i don't even wan't to call them muslims since it's a dissapointment but please don't think all muslims are terrorists i got alot of hate for being me/muslim... may god be with all of you stay safe guys ... this earth wen't to shit ....it always did
these terrorists are brainwashed sunni Islamists, they kill shia muslims, christians and any other minority ethnicity in the middle east. They dont fight for religion but only for self territory control, controlling the oil and profiting.
I beg to differ. I live in the Middle East, Lebanon, where there is somewhat around 18 religions, sub religions included. Terrorists have no religion; yes they have been brainwashed. They kill everyone, they do not know who they're targeting, everyone is a target for them.
Again I repeat, terrorism does not relate to religion. It does not say in the Quran al Kareem or in the Holy Bible that you should go kill people, quite the contrary.