I originally wrote this to be a response to the following messages from Para:
ParaMontana: i dont understand
ParaMontana: how are you applying for a super admin position while you got caught 2 days ago mass abusing your powers on another server
ParaMontana: that makes no sense
but I believe that I should share this with the community, and that it would be beneficial to a lot of people to read over this (also, it's far too long to put into one Steam message, so putting it here is an easy way to do it).
So, you wish for me to respond to you and the fact that you think I should not be applying for Super Admin on TTT after being caught abusing on SSRP? I have many ways in which I could respond to you, but I think that the best way is like this, through blocks of text, so here is my response:
So, the first point that I wish to raise is that, despite the fact that I have lost a lot of trust through abuse on SSRP, I have still done a lot of work for TTT. I have poured hours of my time into the server, in terms of just being there and staffing, and also through creating things (2 in-depth guides) for the server. Yes, that time would all be for naught if I did not use it properly, but that time has all been used carefully; I have never once used my powers for wrong or incorrectly on the TTT server, yes, it happened on SSRP, and that dents reputation through the whole community, but, if we look at this in a way that Chute would approve of: at least I didn’t do more, and at least it hasn’t happened before or since. Multiple members of the TTT Lead Team believed that I should reapply and, despite the recent events, I am still fit for the position (that isn’t something for you to argue with me on, but with the rest of the TTT Lead Team).
The second point that I wish to raise is that I have still done a lot of good for the community. No matter how much someone brings forth in terms of faults, you still have to think about what good they have done, you have to think about how they have helped out, and what they have tried to do. Everyone is going to mess up in some way or another at some point, as intelligent beings, that is inevitable, some people more than others, but even so, everyone is still bound to put forth something great. One time completely fucking up compared with 6 months of time and effort, compared with 6 months of trying to push forwards and do some good. Yes, that is going to have a dent, but can that really turn absolutely all of that work to be worthless? Can that really make all of that work, all of that work which didn’t have to be done, become nothing more than a forgotten memory? It shouldn’t be what someone has done wrong which defines them as a person, but what they have done wrong combined with what they have done right. You cannot simply forget the good and base every inch of your opinions on wrong. You have to let what I have done wrong have an impact on what you think of me, but you still have to allow for the good, for the time and effort, to have an impact as well.
Finally, I would like to point out the wording that you have used. You mentioned that you do not “understand” why I have reapplied for Super Admin on TTT. Well, of course you don’t understand. You don’t know everything that goes on that you do not know, not everything that happens in my life, and not everything that other people tell me. You do not know or understand what goes on in my mind, and neither should you try to, all that you know is what you see happening, and what other people tell you. I have many reasons for reapplying, and many reasons to be hopeful. I have reasons to think that I may not be accepted, true, but there are many things which I have to give me reason to believe in myself.
I may not be able to win over your trust so easily - you have far more than enough reason not to lay your trust in me, at the very least not anywhere near as much trust as much trust as you laid in me before, and I may not be able to build up anywhere near the trust that I once had, and nor do I think that I will, or should be able to, but there are people who still believe in me to do what is right from now on; there are people who still want to give me a second chance, and I don’t plan to waste that. I will bring the chances and the trust that people have still laid onto me, and I will use them to prove that I can still do good - I will use them to prove to people that nothing like what happened on SSRP will ever happen again. I have always looked forward, and I have always tried to think of things equally, staying positive but not trying to be more positive than I should be. Even in a time like this, I will keep walking towards my goals, and I will continue forwards towards what I see ahead.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any other questions or concerns, I will be more than happy to respond to you, so feel free to reach out to me on Steam.