RandomdudeDK wrote:
- What did you think about me the first time you met me?
- are you going to battle other people on ts this weekend?
- have you ever thought about pursuing a career as a rapper?
- When will you drop a mixtape?
I thought you pretty interesting, and a good Deathrun Staff. Probably not I need to take a week off as I've got a "writer's block" thing going on at the moment. Nope haha, never. Never going to drop a mixtape, I just mess around on teamspeak.
DeathRazor213 wrote:
why did you act like a complete dick just before and after u got cm banned?
why did you refuse to explain a rule to me when i asked about it because it confused me and you replied with: "There is no confusion"?
what would be your ideal way to pass away once your time has come?
should Jordan Johnston resign?
does jordan johnston wear a skirt?
1. Explained previously, but I believe it was just a lot of mixed emotions and bad decisions.
2. I don't remember that
3. I'd probably want to jump off of a roller coaster going down Everest.
4. If the vaping get's excessive, so yes.
Wonky wrote:
What do you think about me ?
I don't really talk to you too much but when I have you were always nice and friendly!
Toto_02 wrote:
Morgan wrote:
You can ask me questions here about anything.
Okay baldy i am your boss so answer my 4 Questions
1 Do you like Micky's voice
2 Wich voice do you Hate the most
3 What did you tought about me when you first heard/played with me
4 Do you ever think to live in europe?
1. I've never heard his voice I don't think.
2. Jordan's Mic because he has a bunch of socks around it for a pop filter.
3. I thought you were the funniest guy I've met on Deathrun haha
4. Probably some time, I always felt like I would end up there for some reason.
Gody wrote:
favourite chocolate
y u blank me on steam
donate to me in ssrp im poor
opinion on me
1. Hershey's because Amurican.
2. Must've done something to annoy me lol
3. I'm okay
4. Great Guy!
Jordz wrote:
Is it weird being back?
Is it weird that I'm a Head Admin?
Can you remember training me?
Not really, I still have all of the knowledge I did back then and haven't found it difficult in the slightest to talk to old and new faces, it's been really smooth and i'm so thankful for that. Not really, once you're trained by me it's sort of set in stone you'll get a high rank (Luan, Brandify, You, etc.) I can, it was funny and difficult talking to you because of your Scottish Internet lol.