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TOPIC: "Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response.

"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500887

Right, so I'm going to start off this post by saying that I'm sure there are plenty of others in the community who understand how this feels; how it feels to have labels such as "inactive" or "power hungry" stuck onto you for absolutely no reason at all, even though you are not inactive, you always meet the requirements and usually exceed them, even though you aren't power hugry, and you know that, but others still throw those labels on you. I'm sure other people know how it hurts to have these labels on you while you try to do your best and help out in the community, staffing on multiple servers to a good standard and yet being told that you're just power hungry. I'm sure other people know how it feels to have these labels stuck onto you, and no matter what you do or say to the people giving you these labels, no matter how much of your time and effort, which could easily be spent elsewhere, you put in, these people will not let you free of these labels.
I am now going to write about my opinions on people calling me a "timefarmer", "inactive", "power hungry" and "just doing it for the badges".

So, to begin with I will repeat something that I have said so many times; I meet all of the requirements on the servers that I am staff on. I am not AFK in this time, I am playing the game and doing my job as staff. Also, even if I did spend that time being AFK and not playing the game, that would be fine. There is nothing which tells staff members that they need to be playing the game mode, just so long as we carry out our jobs on the servers. I do my job and that is what matters. If people want proof that I do my job, then I have two things to say: 1) I would have been demoted by now if I didn't and 2) I ask the same question back, where is the proof that I don't do my job. Innocent until proven guilty. If you have some kind of evidence, I will gladly allow you to give it, but until then, please just don't try to tell me I don't do my job.

Next, I move on to the fact that people call me "power hungry" and tell me that I simply "apply for the TS badges". This is literally the worst and most petty thing that people say. My first point against this is that people really think I am so petty that I would waste an incredibly large portion of my time and put in a large amount of effort just to get some little pictures next to my name on Teamspeak? I am not some kind of 5 year old child wanting the "shiny things". My second point against this is just that it is plain wrong. As I stated before, don't try to bring things up against people unless you have some kind of solid evidence. I do my job and do not abuse my powers. I am not petty enough to just do it for tags and badges. There is only one way in which I am actually power hugry. I want power, yes. I want power so that I can then use that power to help the servers and the communtiy as a whole. The only way you can hold up some kind of evidence against me for being power hungry is if you can read my mind and show me what you have been able to glean from my mind, or if you are an incredibly skilled psychologist who is very good at determining reason behind human action, in which case you would know that I am not power hungry at all.

I put large amounts of my time and effort into the various servers that I am staff on, and other projects for the community. I could very easily just fuck off and spend that time and effort doing something which could be earning me money or not having any impact on the community. I also would like to point out that the people who make these allogations are mostly people who have do nothing near to what I do for the community, and who don't put in anywhere near as much time and effort in. Until those people have put in as much time and effort as I have into the community, they can pretty much fuck off and go call out people who do less work than them and don't try to do everything they can for the community.

Something I have managed to learn from this is that most people's mindset is that more effort and time put into the community, and trying to help out more, is a bad thing, and means that you must be an AFK time farmer or incredibly power hungry.

Thanks for reading this and I hope that people stop making false allogations until they either put in more time and effort than me or have some form of proof.

I would write more, but I have no need to say anything further and typing on my phone takes quite a bit more time than on my PC.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500890

Chroma wrote:
However you went AFK to right this right?

I'm basing overnight. Everyone does that.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500895

TheXnator wrote:
Chroma wrote:
However you went AFK to right this right?

I'm basing overnight. Everyone does that.

Just ignore the salty kids like him, and basically ignore all the haters. You are a staff member, people will try to blame you for anything they can possibly think off. Take the few times people actually appreciate you for your work as some kind of satisfying reward, because most people will just try to take a shit on you.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500896

but why apply for every single server though? for me i wouldnt go for more than 2 servers to help it out.... wouldnt go to every single zarp server to get the (activity) that needs....

you want to help zarp overall? devote your self for 1 or 2 servers, be (consistent) in the servers, suggestions, interact with the players that joins the server every single day

in my experience these couple of weeks: the deathrun server (am admin on it) starts going very well recently. Before it would barely reach above 10 players but nowadays it easily reaches over 20 players max..... why is that ? am not saying its (all me) am saying i tried my best to make it better ...not only me (Pitt, Micky, Biwx, pianist, etc) they worked hard (more than me ofc) on 1 server and now our rank increased by 100 over all...

what am saying is don't blame the others (even though they r harsh on u) and understand is applying to every single server is a very bad idea....cuz you won't help all of the servers properly
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Last Edit: 7 years 10 months ago by hamad711.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500897

hamad711 wrote:
but why apply for every single server though? for me i wouldnt go for more than 2 servers to help it out.... wouldnt go to every single zarp server to get the (activity) that needs....

you want to help zarp overall? devote your self for 1 or 2 servers, be (consistent) in the servers, suggestions, interact with the players that joins the server every single day

in my experience these couple of weeks: the deathrun server (am admin on it) starts going very well recently. Before it would barely reach above 10 players but nowadays it easily reaches over 20 players max..... why is that ? am not saying its (all me) am saying i tried my best to make it better ...not only me (Pitt, Micky, Biwx, pianist, etc) they worked hard (more than me ofc) on 1 server and now our rank increased by 100 over all...

what am saying is don't blame the others (even though they r harsh on u) and understand is applying to every single server is a very bad idea....cuz you won't help all of the servers properly

I haven't applied on every server and I get over the requirements on all the servers I am staff on. Get your facts straight before you make a response. I've applied on all the servers I play actively, enjoy and care about.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500898

Just ignore those people and keep doing What you are doing!
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500902


I know where you're coming from, and I know that you believe a good admin should be someone who devotes themselves to one server.

Conceptually, this is solid. It is - however - incorrect.

It's a perfectly reasonable idea to apply for staff on all servers, as you are showing your devotion to ZARP as a whole. If you have the time to invest, then there's nothing wrong with it.
There are examples of people who have admin or general staff positions on several servers because they have the time to devote to those roles. They do perfectly well and there's nothing wrong with how they do their job.

Yes, there are examples of those who are power-hungry and clearly exploit and manipulate their positions because they feel a sense of superiority or what have you, but that's not an all-encompassing encyclopedic stance for all people applying for and receiving those positions.

Xnator does his job well, and being a staff member in any game is difficult, especially in games where the rules have a lot of grey areas, like DarkRP.

Also, staff are not gods. You cannot expect them to be here 24/7 and still have a life. Stop putting them down for being AFK when they're doing their job better than most of you would if you were in the same position when they are actually active.

In summation, Xnator is great at what he does. But just remember not to beat yourself up about what people say about you on here. It ain't worth it, 'cause you're gonna face it a lot on here.

Keep your chin up, bro.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500906

Dang father, had to 're read the 3rd paragraph 5 times to understand it
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500907


Was it the word usage?

Or because it was just really badly written? (Writing on the phone so maybe screwed the pooch)
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500908

Father Watson wrote:
Also, staff are not gods. You cannot expect them to be here 24/7 and still have a life.
This does not count for me.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500909

Sally wrote:
Father Watson wrote:
Also, staff are not gods. You cannot expect them to be here 24/7 and still have a life.
This does not count for me.

You should've edited the post to say "(with the exception of Sally)". Clearly, you are the goddess this server needs, Miss. Peek-a-Boo.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500931

I wouldn't really say that you are Time farming. Just keep it up!
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500939

Unfortunately receiving hate is the norm for a staff member, Whatever you do, don't let it get to you. As long as you know that you do an amazing job and the staff team appreciates your work, that's all you need to keep in mind. Good constructive criticism is always good but pure bias hate id recommend you ignore
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500968

My question is, if you cared so much about the other servers (which, if I remember correctly you didn't play prior to the CM applications except maybe SSRP), why have you only gone for the positions now? The whole thing that started this was, the "ParaMontana 2.0" meme.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500978

.uzi wrote:
My question is, if you cared so much about the other servers (which, if I remember correctly you didn't play prior to the CM applications except maybe SSRP), why have you only gone for the positions now? The whole thing that started this was, the "ParaMontana 2.0" meme.

People start to enjoy things at different times.
Even if I were getting ranks based on a meme, I still do my job well and fully.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #500993

Right, so I'm going to start off this post by saying that I'm sure there are plenty of others in the community who understand how this feels; how it feels to have labels such as "inactive" or "power hungry" stuck onto you for absolutely no reason at all, even though you are not inactive, you always meet the requirements and usually exceed them, even though you aren't power hugry, and you know that, but others still throw those labels on you.

When people call you a shitposter

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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #501003

I'm sorry for calling you a time farmer and that you just want the teamspeak badge. You've helped a lot over the past. Keep it up
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #501011

I don't understand the "power hungry" part. It's just good having more staff on more servers. If an experienced staff member gets more power on other servers, that's good. Since then a good staff member will be able to help more servers.

Great respond Xnator! <3
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Fuck off Luki, why do you have to do this ear rape type beat to my homie EMP.. he JOINED YOUR CHANNEL just for you, and you welcome him like that ? come on bro, have some respect to the big ballers man, and when i say big ballers, i don't mean it in weight. He actually lost 250 pounds,
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #501041

If you apply for staff, if you are basing and you are an admin and you see nobody, literally nobody handling F1s, and you stay there, making money then there's a problem.
Though i'm perma banned from zarp and my words don't count, and I don't know what is happening. So sorry if I got this wrong.
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"Timefarming, power hungry Xnator" - My response. 7 years 10 months ago #501044

Be yourself B) , you're doing great buddy ;)
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