Just carried a game so hard that I'm proud as hell of it,
And then the game broke and I spent more gold than I earned somehow, must be that I'm so pro at GP,
Anyways, time to stop showing off, I'm gonna give you some quick tips for a easy climb,
1) Pick champions you enjoy and train them, master them in normals, may take time depending on the champion but it's worth it.
2) Don't bother replying to that enemy who's trying to annoy you, just mute him and whilst your at it drag your chat box out of
the screen to guarantee you not typing, it's a waste of time as it never gets you anywhere other than the road to flame.
3)Have at least 5+ rune pages before starting ranked, you might need them, and whilst your playing ranked, get more to fit champion match ups, same with masteries but triple.
4)Learn to use quick/self cast, it gives better reaction timing and though you might say it decreases your accuracy I can tell you that it's up to skill, not any type of casting, whilst you're at that, might as well try some other key bindings out in a custom game to try and help you improve and make it more comfortable to play the game.
5) Remember to always focus on your self, if your bot lane is feeding, don't do anything about it, don't say anything, just play your game, win your lane and carry the team.
6)Whilst you trying to fit in some champions you like, do it for every role if possible as you might get auto filled support one day, and what will you do then if you can't play one? Example of a fun support would be Leona or Nami.
7)Don't rely on your jungler to come camp you, if he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to. Even if you get hard counter picked, there is always a way to win your lane.
8 ) If you're ever hard stuck in any elo, try something different, different play style, different champion pool or even main a different role
9) Refer to your map before you make plays like diving somebody, if the jungler has been missing for 2 minutes, don't go for the kill. Using wards will also help, control ward is very cheap and useful and should be bought every time you can.
10) Learn to farm, farming is very important, farming is what gets you gold, not kills, you might go up against a passive GP and get crushed because you can't farm, you can play vs bots in a custom game and try to farm and retry until you hit a certain goal
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