AA RFLeX wrote:
Its pretty sad seing that staff members are online but dont care about any f1's or rulebreaks. Especially Super and Head admins that should be doing the most but do 0-10 a week, just because they are Lead Team members.
I agree and disagree
Leadteam should be the ones who do a heck of a lot of work, they have more responsibilities and have more of a role, In my opinion ALL staff members should be doing F1's and 1. not palming them off to other staff, 2. not "Ohh i'm leadteam i don't need to". so in my opinion when they are not having to deal with anything, which i know for a fact the SA's have plenty of time, then they should be doing their F1's(And i know for a fact some are not adequate for the current role, OR even deserve the role in the first place)
However their job is not primarily F1's, but that is not an excuse to not do them.
STAFF in general, are not up to par, with not doing F1's, or not doing their job properly, some clearly just wanting the rank.
For example, the first day of my last resignition, I had to moan at 1 staff member for 1. noclipping un cloaked, 2. sit in the street, 2. Dropping a player they was just in a sit with, making them take DMG(On purpose) with no intent of sorting his HP after and 4. Letting that player then get RDM'd and just watching.
I will give credit where due, there are some staff members who are good at their job, some who actually deserve a rank, or even a higher up position, and it's in some case, Talent gone to waist, and from what i can tell system for SA is what the LeadTeam see of staff, so if they don't see or know you, i dought you'll get brought up(Correct if wrong, but how i have seen it)
I also will not be returning to SSRP any time soon, seeing as 1 of the reasons i left, is because of the staff team.
P.S Staff members who are bad, not worthy of a rank, OR just a tool, will get no respect from me.
I guess it is time for me to get Plays running again, and go record some staff members High up or not.