Stand for a better, brighter community
Vote uzi for #CM2017
I may not be the longest serving community member in ZARP, and I certainly may not be the most experienced or most popular. I currently serve a role in the Trouble in Terrorist Town lead team while also holding positions within the Teamspeak staff team and forum staff team. Over the course of my rapid expansion in the community, I have developed strong bonds with members of the community; both staff and regular players alike. I stand for improving aspects of the community, so
YOU can get more out of joining our servers.
If elected, I guarantee I will speak for the community as a person; I will listen to you as a whole for creating suggestions, adding or even changing new things. I stand for a better, and brighter community so that
YOU can truly have your say in what goes on. I am reaching out to players across the community, to gain your support and convince you that I would not only be a great and sensible choice for the role, but the
RIGHT one.
My plans for 2017:
- Abolish community segregation by hosting/organising multiple events that would improve interactivity within the community
- Increase balance of VIP features across all ZARP community servers
- Revive the pointshop meetings so that the community can decide what is included and what is not
- Hard crack-down on staff misconduct across all ZARP platforms
- Improving relations with the community and the community team as a whole by hosting Q&A events
- Launch new community servers with the community deciding the gamemode/platform
I will finish on an analogy from Abraham Lincoln, the 16
th US President:
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
In any given task, preparation is crucial. All I ask for is this, prepare yourself for a better community that welcomes all and treats you how you'd like to be treated: make the right choice, vote for uzi.
If you would like to ask about my campaign, feel free to post a question here. You can also contact me via Steam by clicking my signature to get to my profile. Furthermore, you can copy the code pasted below and add it to your signature to show your support:
Thank you!