The guy with the sexy name, ParaMontana! You're very experienced and dedicated to the community, and you know what to do and when to do it, can't be happier learning from you! Keep up the good work man!
Oh shit waddup it's Baby Face Tyler, the guy who's always hacking! Jokes aside, you are a top lad and it's always fun talking to you. Keep it up as you're doing one hell of a job!
Brandon what a great guy! I guess I owe you 2, for training me for Mod and Admin because apparently you did a good job ye?
Clarky the Carkey! You're a chill
emo guy and you've worked hard to achieve great things in the community!
The little kid who knows how to code (almost
). Jokes aside you do have an important role in the community as a whole, keep it up!
The weirdest guy in the Lead Team? Possibly, but still a great guy, you will be missed while on vacation my dude!
You've always been there for me and I am very thankful for all you've done for me! Can't abuse me anymore but it's still fun being around you
Great guy!
pls no ban
Damn I miss you man, you've been away for quite a while but you're back now! You're a really cool lad and I'm happy to be close friend with you. Good luck with your good lucks my dude!
You're a real minge and a pain in the ass at times but you're still a great guy and there's no one I wish to be with us on the team but you.
Glad to have you all on the team, couldn't be better without you lads!