El une Spodermun wrote:
Katje wrote:
What is even LUA ? xD
Lua is a widely used programming language used in many video games and used as a scripting language by game programmers, its often used as a plugin language by many people.
I'll state some things.
Professionally made games are made with C, C++, Javascript, and sometimes some php(most common languages)
Lua can be used for VERY very simple games usually 2D.
Lua is a very easy language and very simple language to learn, which is why a lot of games tend to generate an API that requires the end user to program in it to develop addons/plugins for the game.
This makes the learning curve smaller, as C and C++ are not the simplests of things.
It also allows the creative community(people making addons/plugins) to grow faster, and for many cool things to be created
Furthermore, LUA is a very very good starting language if you are planning on getting in to programming.