So this is a short explanation but a good one. I have already given away my 1.5B in items/cash and I currently have 0 items and 0$ on SSRP. I will not be returning to the server anytime soon. The reason I am leaving is not because of any reason you might think. I am not raging or anything, it is because my family is going through a tough time and we are struggling to pay rent so I need to get a job and start my own life to help pay for everything. It won't be easy for me, but it's something that I have to do. I love everyone on this server and I hold no grudges from here on out with anyone, period. I had a fun run while it lasted, and I wish you all the best in your lives.
Thank yous:
FazeGlass ; Was always there for me when i wanted to hang out and was always just an all around great friend.
sips6: let me borrow some stuff a few times, great friend, trustworthy and all around a great guy.
johnston: you deserve head admin buddy
tyler k: probably the best friend i could ever have
nib: <3
Jeff Winfield; One of the better friends on this server. I will miss you man, i really will.
de_oneshot: beast of a friend.
If I didn't mention you, and I know you comment below and I will probably add you here. Love you all.