Like look, i like your negative view of Everything, and that you tried to look smart with your text...
That argument is actually wrong and not really well explained. I made a giveaway where I already gave away over 100$. "Negative view on everything" Is also a great thing, when you know you gave over 150$ to charity for cancer research and other stuff. I can't say "good job" to you for writing a stupid comment that took 2 minutes of my life away from me. But oh well, we let that slide because there's so much more.
Ok so the people I've asked that play Zarp Daily, they've said that it's a good server because they like rockets, etc. It's alot about Money.
Yes, basically because it's fun. You said people don't play it for fun. Also the point of every RP server is to get money to be rich, buy cars, weapons and other stuff, so If you don't like that go play another gamemode.
And scientific perspective, alot of people, alot of Young people likes the look of Money. If they see a huge number and then a dollar sign they love it automatically.
That is the point. What's an RP server without money, again same point I made before, but again this part is so ridiculous that I had to point it out.
And even what you say i will just throw scientific shit at you xD
What does this have to do with scientific shit.
Now on your third paragraph, you said "I have not seen any admins scam people" or something, well, i actually never said that if you read closely you'll understand.
Zarp is where you battle others to get a high rank in the Community and try to scam others.
Do you even know what you're saying?
Grammatically that's horribly wrong, since if you put the part that you copied back, it will mean Another thing. So when you copy something, put the whole meaning of the sentence in.
It's grammatically correct, you probably mean "putting things out of context", but I didn't even do that.
Now perhaps not try to hide it xD
No one tries to hide it. Smart people read everything before they purchase. And the Terms and Conditions are almost always on the bottom. What? You want it written in a fontsize of 20 in comic sans?!
basically should say "Donate" since you don't get any quality at all, no customer service nor guarantee.
I haven't seen any server that offers guarantee for their services, and every time they say they put a guarantee on, they're lying. Also I'm pretty sure people know that they are donating to the owners of the server.
5'th paragraph, Can't remember that i wrote "Come play with your friends on zarp" Because as i mentioned Before, you're quite bad at Reading comprehension
Literally from your own text:Get a Close Group of friends and start playing.
you're quite bad at Reading comprehension, that's a very big part of Learning a language.
I didn't want to be offensive since many people don't actually know english that well. But maybe you should work on your explanations.
For example:If you bet real Money you will not be offered any support at all.
"betting"? Are we on csgo lotto right now?