Perzion™ wrote:
I know it is about the map
But i read the chat it makes me angry, like for real :/
I really hate the word Cancer used as a disrespectful word towards players and staff members. Like i just had a f1 with a player saying to another player that his voice is giving him cancer. I know it should not be a drama post this one. but comeon. Where is the respect of the people who haves it or lost the fight against it? a family member of mine died of it for not that long time ago. And it hurts me personally when people say it to other people, because maybe they had the same story as me or one that is even worse. I just wanted to share this throught. sry for being a negative dude :/
Srsly tho,I agree , Joking with cancer is bad,I was okay with it before one of my best friend died from cancer,But after that,I kept getting triggered when I saw it.
But , It's the internet.You shouldn't get offended off it.