Jacob wrote:
Plankton wrote:
Why don't you all put your handbags away and accept the fact you're all trash
Leave the poor guy alone if he wants to leave the community let him no need to spam constant shit on this post
Stfu bro, you are trash lol. Stop licking ass on a cheater.
Ofcourse I'm licking his arse, I dont even know who it is. He has made a post saying that he is leaving. Stop going completely off topic and calling him a cheater and either let him be gone and be happy with it or say good bye. No need to start shit on this thread, and from how salty you are about him killing you with a fucking m4 it shows how childish you really are.
OptiC wrote:
LOL Plankton don't forget who rekt u 500 times before, get on me level mate.
I don't even know who you are