What Have I learned?
Wow, it's absolutely astounding I've been in ZARP for three years now. To break that down into numbers:
9.46707779e10 Milleseconds
94670777.9 Seconds
26297 Hours
1095 Days
When I first joined, I wasn't at all what I'm currently like. I was immature, rude, and created a lot of drama. I was punished and served a Community Ban, after this I returned in a new light and within that time there was a lot of self improvement involved.
I learned how to treat people with respect, how to put myself in other peoples shoes and be more open minded. At the end of the day I learned how to conduct myself properly around others in the community.
I've learnt so much when it comes to people, how to treat others, be friendly, kind, and spread peace, love and positivity every single day. I learned how to get up when I was pushed down, how to set goals and achieve them, how to even gain trust and build relationships with others.
When I first joined a ZARP server I never expected to get on the ride I've been enduring and will continue to ride for years to come here at ZARP. It's so much
more than a server or game, it's a community and a
hell of a great one.
Thank you all so much for the great community we've all built up from the ground. It wasn't me, it wasn't Billy next door, it was all of us that contribute into the Community everyday that make it what it is and it truly is such a great place to meet others and have loads of fun.
I've spent three years here, and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I've seen this Community Start with Corrupt members of staff in place back in the day three years ago in ZARP bloc_42 and it's blossomed into a thriving community with a plethora of great people and content.
I will and hope to see ZARP grow even further and improve servers and future ones, and I hope you all join along with me in the journey! Thanks so much.
Thank You's
These are in no particular order.
Chuteuk - Definitely a big reason of why i'm here today, you showed me a second chance and I never let you guys down in that meeting that day. Thanks so much for not only being a great owner, but a great friend and showing me the way.
RedPowder Damn where do I begin bruv I remember just like it was yesterday when we were robbing Max at Tesco's. Thanks so much for the fun times, you're a great friend and a great owner and I hope we will continue to know each other for the coming years.
EMP - The big G.A how could I forget you bud. You're really hard to describe because at times you can be the most serious guy then at some times you'll do the funniest stuff, but thanks for all of your help over the years as I know your decisions and votes are a big reason of where I'm at today. You're a great guy, and a great owner.
Max - Really funny guy and a great friend, you've helped me out at times where I greatly needed it and even though myself and the lead team banter around with you at the end of the day i'm glad you go along with the jokes and join in on them, you're a great friend and staff bud.
Tyler Durden - Probably the only person I know that could pull off an Indiana Jones cosplay, you'r a good friend and even though we've had problems in the past it's all water under the bridge and glad we're past that.
ParaMontana - Good Ol' Para, BERRIES AND CREAM. You're a good friend and a great staff member buddy, thanks for all of your hard-work and i'm glad we both got Super Admin at the same time and did what we did.
CaptinF1rework - Great member of staff and friend, you've always been there for me when I needed you for something or a favor. I can always be assured to count on you!
Max's Mom - A Beautiful woman and a bigger man than Max may ever be, you've always been there at my house at my request and I thank you for that.
Luan - Good Ol' Guardian of Yggdrasil. Luan you're a great member of staff and a good friend, you've always been there for me and you're a very dedicated and hard-working staff member in the community.
Baldy Banker - Haha Holly where do I begin, well first off your microphone makes my ears bleed. But really, you've always been a hard working guy and good friend through the community and thanks for all your help!
Patrice - Definitely One of my biggest inspirations ZARP wise. I've always respected your willingness to help others and work ethic, you've probably been easily one of the Best Community Manager's we've ever had and you're a great friend that I still talk to.
DCX - Big Daddy Big Money, I could never forget you. We didn't really get off on the right foot, but I've always respected you as a person and as a friend, and Community Owner. Thank you for all you've done in this community.
Keith - Well Keith, up until the end of your positions here in ZARP you were a great friend and good Community Manager. I wish you had made better decisions and didn't do some of the things you did, hope to see you make a return in the future once you redeem yourself.
Jordan Johnston - Jordan, my most favorite Scottish person I've met in my life. You're funny, helpful, and you've always been a great friend and staff member. Keep doing what you're doing, you'll go far!
Jayo - Jayo, my most favorite Irish person and probably one of the friendliest people I've ever met. I loved your attitude and passion for the DarkRP server and Community, I wished you had stayed with your Lead Team position a bit longer as it was shortly lived. Thanks for all of your help, you're an awesome friend.
Brandify - Brandify, great guy! You've always been a hard-working staff member and great friend, keep up the good work baldy!
Gmod Troller - Gmod Troller, where to start. Well, you suck and hacked on cs:go. LOL! Just kidding bud, thanks for all of your hard work you've proven how effective and helpful of a staff you can be, you fucked up recently but you've pushed forward and I'm glad you've improved.
Father Grigori - Thank you for allowing me to make a meme out of you baldy, without you i'd be nothing.
Stratiic - Thanks for being a great owner of Deathrun, you were a good friend and great member of staff. Don't beat up Plankton.
Jamie Umbroo Lads, great guy you've fucked up in the past but I'm glad you've learned from your mistakes and have improved as a person and staff member. Keep up the great work.
Thank you all for these past three years, I could keep going on all day about each and everyone of you that go out on the servers, play, staff the servers, help out on a day to day basis, contribute to the community, and everything else under the sun but I feel this is the best way. Thank you all so much for doing what you do, together we all contribute and make ZARP what it is. We need to be weary about this however, keep contributing, keep posting, keep playing, keep staffing and we'll continue to grow as a community. You all are so individual and unique and it's what I love about ZARP, YOU!. If you're reading this thank you so much for all of your help, I hope I've managed to touch your life or experience in a way and make yours that much better. I'll continue to help as always,and continue to staff. Thank you all for the greatest years of my life.