I made it to 1000 posts.
After being here for 2-3 years I did it. Probably took me a little while but it's ok.
Over my time here I have really enjoyed it. I remember joining the server and being a total try hard on Jailbreak and then finding out about the DarkRP server thanks the DCX letting me know it was actually there :^). I then went on to meet loads of people like TiGz, Kpro and people like that.
Over that course of time I started to look into the forums and actually become an active member on there. I mostly just use the forums now as the only server I use actively and enjoy.
Thank you list.
The OwnersThanks for making these servers what they are, I really enjoy them.
All the staffSome of you don't really do your job but I won't complain.
Thanks for helping the owners keep the server a nice clean place for the users.
No matter what server it is.
EvilstewieTick-Tock bruva. We have had a such time here so glad we found this community together.
DCXI appreciate you. Thanks for getting me started in this community.
You're the reason I got staff on many of the servers.
WalrusThanks for teaching me how to b-hop I can now dominate the scrubs.
The Gamer GuyThanks for making me irrelevant. Just kidding, we have had great times on the server.
I remember when you first got staff and voting on your application!
DallasGreat guy. You were a great admin on the SSRP server and was very nice to me and others.
Gems BondBiB for ever. I would love to own a big gang like you did.
NexizeMy man, I remember when our gangs allied, Fedora Tippers OP.
Keep going with your League of Legends antics, you'll get challenger soon!
BlockedWas very nice to see you get the staff ranks you got.
I can't believe how much you progressed within the community, still sad you resigned.
Holly BankerIt was fun to play GTA V with you that one time, we should do it again some time.
TiGzThanks for letting me base with your crew when I first started playing SSRP.
Let the Brotherhood live on!
Walter HWITEI remember when you jailed me for ages for something I didn't do, lol.
MorganSuch an old member. I remember when you got community banned, I was so sad..
Fennster4heheheh crying seals are funny
Here's to the next 1000 posts! I am looking forward to the changes in ZARP as time goes on!