Meme Machine
1. As you're a minion and I don't like they type of lads.
1. Hmmm, Good question buddy. I'd say my worst moment in zarp was when someone I really liked and looked up to resigned.
1. As Jordan is like a dank asf name so I can be a cool kid.
1. As the only thing making me have fun in zarp is TOAO.
1. Drink your bucky lad.
Slapy (ned)
1. Unsure, Ask Jayooooo that one. I'm from Scotland not Irish you swedish ned
Bobby Bobbys
I don't love you neither do I hate you, People make mistakes and I've got no reason to hold grudges.
1. I've been in zarp for about 8 months lad.
2. You'll never know
3. Good question, First time I wanted to become staff is because I saw many players rule breaking and I always spammed admins via f1's saying all they claims so then I just got bored of it and decided to apply for Moderator, Got accepted.