Introduction: Hello everyone! As some of the older people around here know; I'm Jayo! I have been in Zarp's community for over 3-4 years now (Since 2013!) and I have only recently returned since January of 2016! (I left in Summer of 2015 and I really regretted that!)
History: I am an Ex-Administrator on Zarp's DarkRP server, I had applied roughly 11 times for Moderator in 2014 and only got staff in February of 2015. I am most well known for being Irish(I honestly don't know why)!
Background Story: I'm just your average Irishmen from Ireland! Dublin to be precise. I am 16 years old! I started gaming in 2007 when I got my first X-box! Then I moved onto the computer in 2009 and met one of my longest friends "Leo." Leo introduced me to Zarp in 2013 and I thought it was a bad server (I was very wrong) so I left and came late in 2013 (Hence why my forum profile was created in 2014)! (Plus I secretly love Keit Cozart, don't tell him :3) My favorite colour is blue!
Fun times during Zarp: When I started a meteor strike with Soxey! When I joined the Fourth Empire. When I became a Moderator then an Administrator. Being abused by Slapy when I was a Moderator. Finding Keit Cozart when he was a Super-Admin (He helped me out with some things

. The First time I ever spoke to ChuteUK(When I was a Moderator I was basing in the sewers on Evil Melon and he joined my TeamSpeak room and asked me how I was doing!) The first time I went to a meeting(I felt special lol.)Walking into ParaMontana's base and being blown across the map. Meeting Morgan(I tip my belt buckle to you my good sir) and by far my FAVORITE moment on Zarp was doing F1s for the community!
Plans: I have a plan on returning to Zarp Gaming's Semi Serious RolePlay and regaining my "Administrator" rank!
Note: This is a Q&A so you can feel free to ask questions!
Thank you all for reading this post! (If you did!) Hope to see you in game!
Special thanks to
Keit Cozart as he is a great guy.