Bob Raheem wrote:
Manya: Are you still planning to do something in ZARP?
I'm going to staff on deathrun if that's what you mean but I dont plan on doing anything else
Stratiic wrote:
1) Will you talk some sense into Patrick with calling me gay D:
2) Are you going to be staying with us on Deathrun for a while to come?
1) I can try but it wont get very far. Think you are going to have to just put up with this one. Sorry
2) I've only just come back so it be a bit pointless to go again now... So yeah ill be around for longer
TotallyNotOnDrugs wrote:
What ever happened to your turtle thing?
If you could have a lifetime of free stuff from any company, which would it be?
Terrance is fine he is swimming around his tank again
I have no clue, atm it would most likely be pop because im addicted to Pop vinyls