RP Name ayy lmao
Link to Steam Profile steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039522490
SteamID STEAM_0:0:39628381
Current Gametracker Profiles
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Age 15
Estimated Server Time 500+ hours since beginning (first joined 3.5 years ago)
Languages I speak Bulgarian (native), English (profficient), can order orange juice in Spanish and German. (true)
DarkRP Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario.
- To kill another player for no reason, aka randomly
Ex. John gets a gun and shoots Dave for no reason.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario.
-NLR-you forget your prev. life, aka when killed somewhere you can't go back there or revenge kill
Ex. John gets killed by Dave during a raid and immediately runs back and kills Dave back.
Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario.
-Using OOC for IC benefits (in most cases)
Ex. (OOC) Johnny: Selling guns at store infront of PD!
Ex. (OOC) Dave: John has a big base next to PD go raid him now
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
- Teleport x to roof and ask him for valid evidence (after looking at his F1). If such is given, teleport y to roof too and ask him if he has any evidence in support of his innocence. If none is given, a punishment will be considered. If player y does <em>lie</em> or does anything unreasonable such as swearing, disconnecting, lying to or offending staff (me, if this modapp works out well) he will be kicked. Or banned, if more of the above are present.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
-Again, such as above, teleport the accuser and listen to his statement and F1, respectively. If I think sufficient evidence is given, I will teleport Y too. If not sufficient defence is given, warn. If he does it again or does stupid things *given in previous question* a harder punishment will be executed onto the accused.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x calls for help in the OOC chat because his bank is being raided
-Metagame! Warn him for metagaming.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 150 words).
- I consider myself to have spent rather big amount of time as staff. Honestly, nearly half of the 1300 (almost 1400) hours of Garry's Mod I have spent administrating. Most of them in ZARP until 2 years ago when I was demoted for, yes that's it, being inactive for 2 weeks (was on christmas holiday with family, also was demoted not to mod but to user), but in other servers, of which DarkRP, TTT, and a sandbox server which was honestly pretty
Also, the actual main reason I want to be staff is to eliminate the disease that is abusers. Not for else, but having fun and then someone ruining it all by RDMing you or offending you in some racist or sexist way is
not fun at all. Those two reasons are why I (think) I'm suitable for the job and why I want the job.
PS. I spend a lot of time being AOD ( In this case MOD ). Somehow punishing people (that deserve it, ofc) gives me pleasure. The pleasure of helping players get a better time on the server.
Also, to make the job easier, I have 1 total warning, it was about me doing /advert mmmmmmm
Yes I know it was really stupid...
i'm sorry
After reading some of the comments made, in regards to the aullah Akbar joke can be taken very seriously, by someone who may be muslim, it seems that was immature, However based on the positives to negative's I have decided to give you my honest opinion.
Overall, app is great, could fix gametracker links, and the immaturity I am going to give you a
As you seem Immature I cannot give you a good support and I hope you can change that before making staff team