BOT Troller wrote:
Well, as most of you noticed I've been inactive lately and that is because I went on vacation, when I came back I didn't really want to play anymore and it took me a while to decide if I wanted to stay or leave and time caught up to me and I was demoted. I am sorry that I am leaving but I started to love CS:GO and found out that I am actually good at it so that makes it even more fun to play. I will come back in about a month or two it wont be long. Thank you guys for all of the fun times, memories and letting me become a trusted member of the community over the past year. I started out with a bad past and improved from it.
I want to thank a lot of people as I made friends with almost everyone in the community (not really)
You are an amazing owner man, I met you when you were a Super Admin and you helped me get staff and improve from the old me. You were the person I looked up to the most from the begging and to the end, you helped me get Super Admin you gave me tips and you told me that I would be a great staff. It wasn't only the fact that you helped me you were a good friend aswell we had so many funny moments on the Server, especially with that car event and roller coaster. Thank you Red
I quote "Gmod.....has steam been stealing bananas from your fridge again and did you kick him out?" I stopped him man he lives in Walmart with shit internet now <3 more bananas for us.
Keep up the good work man you have an amazing community here, don't let it go down.
Ban me again, I dare you.
You ban me from teamspeak to much <3 luv u....You are a great Developer great work on the new update ill be sure to check it out.
Holy shit you scared me so many times but you did a great job doing it lmao. Thanks for helping me out along the way even though we weren't the best of friends you did fun things when we did talk.
Patrick Star
Good times man, we were friends ever since you were admin, you were basically my guide since I was admin, you told me what to do and helped me out which led to me eventually getting super admin. You should keep up the good work man you do so much for the community and hopefully you can be owner one day and kick red out <3
Best head admin I ever met, You went from mod to admin to super admin (with me) then got head admin in 2 weeks. Maybe you can get CM by the time I get back.
I had my moments when I didn't like you but you were still a great friend when we weren't arguing and I would make you sit down (Kappa) im staying in the BH bb I wont be gone long
Together we were the servers greatest minges, we made atleast 200 mil each with our mingy ass printer spots, hopefully we can both come back at the same time and rek everyone with mingyness
You sir deserve your rank, you came here a few months after me when I showed you the server. You are a good friend and a good cousin even though you steal my bananas
Best friend no words you know I love you <3
Officer Chris
Same as glacial, best friend no words you know I love you
You hated me at times and I still loved you <3 good luck with boot camp....scrub
I know you loved me
No One
If you didn't leave, I really would of thought of you as the next SA
Cozey Games
I know you hate me <3
I know you left a long time ago but you and max were awesome friends you gave me like 10k in total.
Thanks for the support over the years man, you were a great friend and really a funny guy. BTW the dress is white and gold
You are such a scrub, come back.
You aren't global you are silver
You were such a great super admin and still a great admin, You were cool but anna is mine now
My favorite admin, I trained you as mod and you turned out to be a good friend. Good luck with everything you do.
Good times man, we used to have gang wars when there was server wars when the admins were all afk or offline, we rekt everyone breaking rules lmao
if I forgot anyone im sorry but there was a lot of people. as I said I will be back and hopefully reclaim Super Admin once again. Good luck everyone, you can see me on here and TS3
Adios Amigo hopefully i can be just a good super admin as you were some day. Hope to see you again