ryrooster wrote:
Eobxrtei wrote:
ryrooster wrote:
Congratz this must feel better than your party ripping off the poor
If the poor felt ripped off we wouldn't have a 7 majority now, would we?
yes a majority of the rich or as scorpion would put it bourgeoisie voted to get a manipulitive goverment who cut child tax credit (breaking un law btw) and shoving many more people into poverty it has been said that by 2020 that 3.5 million children will be in poverty in the uk the goverment should help these people who are forced to go to food banks that the goverment think is a fundemental part of the welfare state Mhari Black MP was right when she said That "Food Banks are not part of the Welfare State they are a sign that the Welfare State is failing" tell me how the goverments policies this goverment wants defencless foxes to be legally killed for sport and those in poverty to fall into further poverty so this is a goverment for the rich not the poor so dont say that just because you have a majority the poor dont feel ripped off alba gu brath
Cool, but the point stands. The electorate hold the most power in the country and they chose tory. A lot of seats were won from labour (who happened, by the way, to be the "poor supporters", quotations because they're basically tory lite now.)