The Community Lead Team ( of course ) - Thanks for the great updates and keeping the server up!
Tigz - A person who I ( and a lot of people ) look up to as a staff member, great Head Admin, keep up the good work.
Fizzay- Always up for banter, friendly and funny, serious when needed.
Tadgee- Forever screaming insults at people, but a funny guy overall.
Abby- Screams alot
, but a nice person and fun to play with.
Mario- Spent a lot of my time on SSRP with you, great guy, knows how to build and raid bases.
Bilbo Swaggins- Again, spent a lot of my time on SSRP with you, another great guy ( with a short temper
) who knows how to base and raid.
Hoi- The person who first got me into SSRP, taught me so much of the ropes. Nice and friendly guy overall.
Preditorv- Mingiest Super Admin I know, keep minging buddy <3
Gmod Troller- Always helped me out when I needed help, great Super Admin.
Steam- Based with Steam a lot, a great guy and is a great Admin, definately deserves SA.
Stooki- Great funny guy, always loved talking to you about you selling things for absurd prices