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The Pink Riders Application
Rp Name: Bruce Mc Stevenson Cozart Link to steam: [url=My steam]http://steamcommunity.com/id/Gamers_Game[/url] Which gun you are good at(more then one): I'm good at the m4, spaz , mini gun ,milkor and matador Special weapons: matador, mini gun ,timed c4, proximity mine, and if this counts a thunder gun bp How will you help me win the war: I can be of help because I am very good and defending and attacking I also know a thing or two about special weapons. Why should you be chosen(atleast 25 words): I should be chosen because I am a good team player and communicator and I feel as though I can be a very good help to the team /he pink riders.ps I also play csgo so I know a lot of starts and crosshairs placement and plain shooting ( Also I want to pewn some noobs |
Last Edit: 9 years 7 months ago by Luan.
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