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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules 9 years 11 months ago #113966

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/id/mrdjpaco

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52395303

CS:GO Rank: Silver Elite Gaben (Silver 3)

Favourite Maps: Every Map

Vac Bans (in which games?): None

When was your last VAC-Ban?: None

Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10) 21

Questions: No Question

What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive: Shoot Them in the Head (DUH)

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer: Tell Him To Go For it

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky. Maybe

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash. NO

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys! No

[ ] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy. THIS CHOICE
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules 9 years 11 months ago #113973

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/id/finniebox
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49598803
CS:GO Rank: Not ranked yet, but almost in silver
Favourite Maps: Dust 2
Vac Bans (in which games?): none
When was your last VAC-Ban?:
Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10) 7


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive:
That would depend on how good they are. If they are better then me i will save the awp for the next round. But if they are not better then me i will try to kill them

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[THIS ONE] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.

Additional note: We talked on whatsapp and i forgot if i was in the clan or not xD so that is why i made an app to be sure
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules 9 years 11 months ago #113980

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037414028/
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38574150
CS:GO Rank: Gold Nova 3
Favourite Maps: Mirage
Vac Bans (in which games?): 0
When was your last VAC-Ban?: N/A
Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10) 6


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive: Save it

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[x ] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules 9 years 11 months ago #114086

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198130311078
Steam ID: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198130311078
CS:GO Rank: Silver 4 Demoted now Silver 3
Favourite Maps: Dust II, Mirage
Vac Bans (in which games?): None
When was your last VAC-Ban?: None
Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10) 6


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive:

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[x] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.

NOTE: I wont be to much active. Since I am pretty busy atm. But I will play sometime.
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Resigned deathrun admin
Resigned SSRP admin
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules 9 years 11 months ago #114655

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/id/greatgamedude

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:61192703

CS:GO Rank: Silver 3

Favourite Maps: Dust 2

Vac Bans (in which games?): None

When was your last VAC-Ban?: Never

Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10): 5


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive:

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[✖] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[✖] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[✖] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[✔] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.
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Last Edit: 9 years 11 months ago by IntoTheUnknown.
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules 9 years 11 months ago #116158



@Wiz Khalifa




Everyone else:
Sorry, we have no space in our Clan anymore. You still can play cs go with us at any time of course. For now the applications are closed.

When there's a space free, the Apps will be opened again.
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GET SOME RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP GAMES AT www.g2a.com/r/user-55e1e47e829e4
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules 9 years 11 months ago #116215

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/id/JinxerJames/
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:92069122
CS:GO Rank: Silver 3
Favourite Maps: Dust II - Nuke
Vac Bans (in which games?): None to date
When was your last VAC-Ban?: -
Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10) Depends which weapon, sniper 8, machinegun 8 (again, depends) and SMG 7


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive:
Save, the chances are that i could use the awp next round where as the odds of me being able to kill all 4 without risk is slim, but not impossible.

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[ TICK] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.

I played with tadge a while back and he recommended me to join so here i am.

Save this for when there is a space please!
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I can cook minute rice in 58 seconds.

Last Edit: 9 years 11 months ago by /Z/ JinxerJames.
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules 9 years 11 months ago #116502

Note: Leaving app in case they re-open, I will update it if I rank up or something...
Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/id/TheLuxor
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60532385
CS:GO Rank: Silver elite
Favourite Maps: Dist II, Mirage, Overpass, Cobblestone... (I also knowa lot more maps, these are just my fav)
Vac Bans (in which games?): /////
When was your last VAC-Ban?: /////
Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10) I would say a solid 4/10, with a lot of room for improvement.


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive: Well now that depends on map, plant site and mine and their HP, if they were low, and it was example A site on dust 2 I would easily make my way to long and pick them off from a pit, mainly because I belive in my skill, but if it was not that case, or I played aginst some stronger opponents, I would hide in a secluded area, nothing too obvious, 1 enterance so I can pick them off if they try hunting me down.

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[ * ] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.
-note, I would also tell him the last seen position of the enemy's and a location to his favored rifle.
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 10 months ago #129159

Hello Everyone! The Applications are reopened and there are some updates in the thread, so be sure to read the section "what happens if i will be VAC banned in cs go?". @Everyone who posted after the applications were closed, please copy and paste your app so we can see, that you still want this position in our clan. Thank you!


2 clan-members have been kicked from our clan. First one for applying for another clan and 2nd one for a recent CS:Go VAC-Ban!

The last tournament went better than we actually thought! We had a massive comeback and we went into over time, but unfortunately lost.

The team was:
Bilbo Swaggins (Sub player)
Walk3r (Main AWP)

Positive Feedback:
Walk3r played amazing in this game.

Future tournament candidates:
-Greatgamedude played good games at matchmaking. He could be a candidate for future Tournaments!
-Chester played good games at matchmaking. He could be a candidate for future Tournaments!
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GET SOME RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP GAMES AT www.g2a.com/r/user-55e1e47e829e4
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 10 months ago #129183

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/id/IamLeperMessiah
Steam ID:
CS:GO Rank: Master Guardian 1
Favourite Maps:Dust 2, Overpass, Mirage, Inferno, Nuke
Vac Bans (in which games?): No VAC Bans
When was your last VAC-Ban?: No VAC Bans
Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10) 8, I can tap shoot, spray, and control recoil on nearly every gun, as I know there spray patterns.


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive: Depends on which side I'm on. If I was in CT and they were coming up long I'd pick the cross and try to get some kills and then save. If I was B I'd go tunnels if I knew they were all on site, and go for a pick in tunnels on platform and go save.

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[x] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.
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Legendary Spectacular Border
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 10 months ago #129214

Next Tournament Update:

The Next Tournament will be in about 2-3 weeks.
Estimated Team:
Walk3r [Main AWP]


If you want to show that you are ready for a tournament, why don't you play with us a bit more? :)
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GET SOME RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP GAMES AT www.g2a.com/r/user-55e1e47e829e4
Last Edit: 9 years 10 months ago by TheAp4ch3.
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 10 months ago #129228

I would like to play with you guys, p.s. i got promoted to gold nova master today...
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 10 months ago #129236

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046033115/
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42883693
Favourite Maps: Dust 2, Cache, Inferno
Vac Bans (in which games?): Legit player yo
When was your last VAC-Ban?: Super legit player yo
Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10): 6.5/10. I don't understand why some people rate their skills so high whilst being in relatively low rank.


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive:

CT: Save the awp. Hide somewhere safe where i can manage to get an exit frag
T: Save and hide somewhere unpredictable yet relatively safe and if possible get a frag if they rush.

This question ^ has multiple factors and therefore has multiple situations which could all be different
Your eco
Their eco
Their weapons
Their armor
Their hp
Your hp

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ]Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[ X ] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.
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SSRP - Pro
Deathrun - Ex pleb
TTT - Average
Bhop - Pleb
TS3 - Knoeb

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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 10 months ago #129270

TheAp4ch3 wrote:
A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[ ] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.

Might want to either change this a bit or give the others answer more details, because this one is easily seen as the best option simply because it gives more details.
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 10 months ago #129364

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/id/ryanhowes/
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:78171552
CS:GO Rank: Gold nova 1
Favourite Maps: Dust 2
Vac Bans (in which games?): none
When was your last VAC-Ban?: I have not got a vac ban
Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10) 8 or 7


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive: I would save.

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[ x] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.
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ex (Bhop) Admin
ex (Dark rp) Admin
ex (CSGO) Admin
ex (Minecraft) Mod
Last Edit: 9 years 10 months ago by .Ryan.
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules 9 years 10 months ago #129393

Steam Profile Link: www.steamcommunity.com/id/FuzionDesire/
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49861792.
CS:GO Rank: Gold Nova Three.
Favourite Maps: Vertigo, Dust 2 and Nuke.
Vac Bans (in which games?): 0.
When was your last VAC-Ban?: Never.
Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10): 7+


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive:
I would save the AWP because it would give me an advantage in the next round. I would do this because it is unlikely i'd be able to clutch it with an Awp.

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[x] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.
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Last Edit: 9 years 10 months ago by HGX.
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 10 months ago #129395

Me and HGZ are going to one V one. :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
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ex (Bhop) Admin
ex (Dark rp) Admin
ex (CSGO) Admin
ex (Minecraft) Mod
Last Edit: 9 years 10 months ago by .Ryan.
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 10 months ago #129413

Brother Ryan WON!!! :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: B) B) B) B)
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ex (Bhop) Admin
ex (Dark rp) Admin
ex (CSGO) Admin
ex (Minecraft) Mod
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 9 months ago #129907

Ok, so we decided to accept 4 people this month! So be sure to apply and we are going to accept 1 guy every week.

This week Luxor got accepted, congrats!

Every other application will be reviewed till we got 4 players accepted!

Then on the last week, if there are people left that could have a big (positive) impact in our clan, we will accept them aswell!
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GET SOME RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP GAMES AT www.g2a.com/r/user-55e1e47e829e4
Last Edit: 9 years 9 months ago by TheAp4ch3.
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CS:GO Clan: ELecTiXX App Template/Rules [Updated] 9 years 9 months ago #129922

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/id/chazze/
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:98960512
CS:GO Rank: Silver Elite
Favourite Maps: Dust II, Nuke, Mirage and Inferno
Vac Bans (in which games?): None
When was your last VAC-Ban?: N/A
Your Aim skills (scale from 1-10) 6-8


What would you do, if you are the last one alive, and you pick up an AWP? 4 players from the opposite team are still alive: Find a Safe spot and try to save (picking off enemy's if I can)

A player from your team is alive and has 2 players against him. He has only got a pistol (no armor, no nades) the opposite team has got rifles. Tick the correct answer:

[ ] Tell your Teammate to save the round, and run to a safe spot, as it is too risky.

[ ] Tell your Teammate if he doesn't kill the 2 people he will get reported to the clan owner. Also tell him that he is a piece of trash.

[ ] cheer loudly for your teammate, so he is motivated to kill those two guys!

[THIS ONE, TICK ] Be quiet, so your teammate listens to the steps of the opposite team. Also tell him to pick up a rifle from a dead guy.
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