There's nothing wrong with California.
Zan and Snupe say
Buildings too far apart from eachother
Huge areas not filled in
Not enough detail
Let me counter those statements.
The buildings aren't far apart from eachother, with a car you can easily go to any part of the map, same with walking, but walking will take a bit longer (you're not supposed to fly across the map you know?).
The map is made to be spacious and it is, so big areas like the beach might not be filled in, because it's supposed to be big and nice looking.
There is enough detail, if you mean world props by detail, I am glad there aren't too much worldprops. You want to use that space for building, not for random world props like we have on the map right now. Otherwise the detail is fine.
hold on... are we gonna all lose our money, cars, guns and everything else?????
The map is going to change, and when it does, the update would include new cars etc. Which are better than the current ones ofcourse.
Today when we were testing the map, gaming did use commands such as set health, which he shouldn't have done.
However after most of the people left, cockper stooki snupe etc.
Me, chris and optec had a absolutely great time RPing with beck, moody and hopking.