maddox wrote:
Lerpson wrote:
ItsDonny wrote:
Indiana Jones wrote:
maddox wrote:
Indiana Jones wrote:
!HitlerLover wrote:
Oy vey thank Yahweh the shabbos goy Trump survived!
Stupid goyim!
Fucking wild that in over 2 hours no forum staff removed that picture
Even wilder that the guy hasnt been banned just for his name and pfp, at least the CM team found a way to keep the forums active I suppose
I completely forget sometimes how detached from reality I/others can be, seeing someone called hitler lover with a profile picture such as that and just looking at it like "oh so that's a thing huh" then giving it no further attention when in reality its a "hey that's a pretty bad thing to do"
You or anyone give me a detailed break down of what rule is broken with which exact part and i'll consider looking into it
There are zero rules broken
My profile pic back in the day was Xi Jing Ping, arguably a much worse dictator and nobody cared, same with my pfp being Epstein. Hitler is just the only political figure that is somehow looked at worse for some odd reason
It’s a stupid name, if a word that someone has as their name is that offensive to you then that’s actually really funny, like really funny lol. How can someone from 80 years ago freak people out, kinda pathetic
Pretty big difference between having your pfp as a dictator and calling yourself HitlerLover and having a pfp that Im assuming is a reference to white genocide. Whether or not you think Hitler isnt as bad as other dictators he still industrialised the killing of millions of people, It only takes a little bit of common sense to realise that it doesnt belong on a gmod forum.
You've been here how long and you're still falling for this shit? For someone who is a self proclaimed intellectual you sure haven't figured out that these people are just fucking around but somehow you always get so unbelievably pressed at the dumbest shitposts known to man. You get offended over every tiny thing imaginable. You should try living once in a while, because it doesn't seem like you do much of that. I would hate my life if I were always as sensitive as you are.