ImTooFastForYou wrote:
I honestly think it's a good game but the tryharding players just ruined the fun to me. I started playing season 1 and I think I stopped playing in like season 4 or 5 because I couldn't handle it anymore. If they have fun being pros and spamming their keys to play well good for them I'm just not that kind of player. We're at a point where if you want to kill someone without spending 30min you have to OS him because if you don't the guy is just going to build a massive tower in 0.5secs and you won't be able to kill him in less than 5min. Adding a building mecanic was quite interesting and it's what probably pushed players to play the game but the fact that the entire game has high skill bulding cap is what ruins the game. I wish we could go back to season 1 or 2 when the players were barely building anything and making a tower was actually insane. Now we have 12 year old with 2000 hours of playtime and playing casualy is almost impossible. I honestly feel pain for the players who would like to play the game now and just get crushed by the first player they meet in the game.
For the weapons and stuff I pretty much left when there wasn't a shit ton of weapons so I can't really say anything about it.
People like this ruin every multiplayer game. People seemingly can’t play games just for fun anymore, for example :
—> fortnite is tryhard ridden, warzone (especially solos) is a complete and utter sweatfest, Ubisoft has been making Siege progressively more geard towards people who want to be super competitive (making ranked -the only gamemode I could have fun on- super wannabe pro-league by removing “unbalanced” maps and making it overall much more tryhard), even bloody GTA Online is one of the most cancerous cesspits of tryhards and sweaty nerds who think freemode is an esports tournament.
It’s slowly sucking any and all of my will to play multiplayer games out of my body. I’d much rather just spend a whole day being a hermit and playing a good singleplayer game than casually play a multiplayer game for an hour just to get frustrated because everyone plays like their life depends on it.