Jool wrote:
sorIe wrote:
Jool wrote:
Average IQ is considered to be ~100 yet all the 14 years old kids from zarp manages to reach 140+ score which is where you are generaly considered a genius.
leaking my name to prove im big brain XD
please give validation and attention thanks i lack it from my dad
My point wasn't really to say that people are lying or falsifying the test results. But rather showing the fact that a bunch of kids from a gaming community like zarp are getting 140-150 IQ score when it's considered to be on the " genius " scale might not make this test very reliable lol.
yeah that's true, online IQ tests are never reliable + IQ is not an accurate sole test of intelligence as some assume it to be so it's inherently flawed for its perceived purpose
higher IQ = you can use big words but youu might be fucking retarded at other shit well done