Clarky wrote:
Narexa wrote:
Pariz wrote:
Narexa wrote:
Stewie wrote:
Bought pubg last night. And already I can see that pubg is far superior to fortnite. It's just all round better in every way.
You bought PUBG in 2018? You wasted your money holy fuck lol, just wait until you realise how much you fucked up.
I cant see anything wrong with buying it in 2018?
I still play it with many of my friends and we have a very fun time. Just because you dont like the game, does it not mean that he wasted his money on it.
If he likes it then its worth it
Nice try buddy, but it's really not just me "not liking it" with the amount of bugs and hackers on that game.
because fortnite was made by an actual company meanwhile pubg is like indie
Shitty excuse, they have way enough money to make the game less buggy, instead of adding skins that nobody even likes and that are overpriced.